Customizing reports
Customizing reports in Dashboard

- We can through the Dashboard generate a lot of charts and customize them to get it the best way for your need.

For example, we'll use the Sumarized Metering, first, access the Homepage:

- On the right side select PRODUCTIVITY:

- We can make a Computer group filter, start hour and end hour, by period or selecting a specific date:

- By clicking TODAY we can change the date to another:

- Scrolling down to the final of the page is where we can find the Summarized metering chart, we can start to customize it, click on the right button and select Ungroup All:

- All the camps are unfiltered now, you can select any of the camps you wish, as an example we'll use Website, click in the filter icon and click in "Select All", disable (Blanks), and click OK:

- This way the chart will only show Sites information, but not filtered, so we can click in User to filter by the actions of users in Websites:

- We can also drag a category right above the tab to make the categorization even better: