Conclusion rules
  • Creating the conclusions in Dashboard

    - The Conclusion Rules are very useful in Program Reports categorization, and to categorize all teams.

    - First, we need to create the Default Conclusions, go to Account:

    - And then, click on Conclusion Rules:

    - By accessing the Conclusions Rules, we will find all the Conclusions already created, let's create the Rule "Productivity":

    - Fill in the name and click on" + TO ADD ".

    - Then, click on " + ".

    - At this point, we have to create the rule that will be applied to the reports, we need to configure each detail:

    - As it is a productivity list, we can define it by Percentage of use, the higher the percentage, the more positive the label will be, so we can define it as follows:

    - In the Label we define how it will be presented, in Start it demonstrates that from 95% of use, it will be Super productive, we define an Icon for this action and color.

    - It is also important to define the End, in this rule "-1" is defined to represent an unlimited number, if "-1" is placed in End, it will be considered an unlimited value. ends up being

    useful for number-based rather than percentage-based conclusions. The "-1" can also be placed at Start.

    - For a good categorization it is interesting to fill the space between 0% and 100% well, so we will have a better categorization in the reports. Finally, click Update.

    - A very useful function is the Duplicate function, it can make the work more efficient.

    - We also recommend creating a rule for Unproductivity, so that in each report we can create a differentiation between teams or groups, where to

    one group the rule is productive, and for another it is unproductive.